RoofKIT wins 1st in OOC category “Sustainable Architectural Lighting Award”
In architecture, a future worth living is also based on the successful combination of natural and artificial light with reduced energy consumption. With the award for Sustainable Architectural Lighting, the German Lighting Society honours innovative lighting solutions that combine technical, design, energy and social aspects.
‘promoting the importance of lighting in the context of sustainable construction is the aim of the sustainability award, which litg is offering for the first time. the solar decathlon europe contributes to anchoring the topic in the minds of young people – with pioneering competition results.’
Prof. Dr Thomas Römhild, Deputy Chairman of the German Lighting Society (LiTG)
Team RoofKIT would like to thank the OOC jury for this award and is very pleased that the concept of natural lighting, adjustable mobile luminaires and indirect light strips integrated into the fixtures was convincing.
Award Ceremony: 25 June 2022
Image © SDE 2021-22