Merry Xmas!
Due to the Covid Pandemic, the teams of the SDE 21/22 „…goes urban!“ are experiencing a particularly intense time as Decatlethes. We have been participating for 2 years by now and just this month the time of the countdown to the event has fallen below 6 months. We face not only the challenge of the…
We are happy to announce that DETAIL reportes on our team and project:https://www.detail.de/artikel/eine-zukunft-fuer-den-bestand-5-umbauprojekt-roofkit-fuer-den-solar-decathlon-europe/ DETAIL: https://www.detail.de/
RoofKIT in Haus & Grund’s October 2021 issue
Haus & Grund reported on our RoofKIT and the project! Haus & Grund Wuppertal: https://www.hausundgrundwpt.de/
RoofKIT – Advent Calendar
For the upcoming holidays RoofKIT has prepared something special for you – visit RoofKIT on Instagram! Link to Instagram Highlight: https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3OTM3ODM5MDYyNzM1NDc5?story_media_id=2718963228936025673&utm_medium=copy_link
“Welttag der Städte”: SDE 21/22 models at 14 locations in Wuppertal
31 October was the “Welttag der Städte” (“World Day of Cities”). Fittingly, the architectural models of the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal are exhibited at prominent locations in Wuppertal. They can be viewed there in the coming days and weeks. The two models of the KIT Karlsruhe SDE team RoofKIT can…
Teamworkshop in Wuppertal
Our Team visited Wuppertal again! Watch the video on Solar Decathlon’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/ijvq9mWR-PI
What’ s new?
What’s new at our HDU? A lot has been happening over the past few months. The production of hundreds of plans and the writing of hundreds of pages of reports for the D#4 submission had a lot to do with changes to the HDU and its increasing detail. In the following, we’ll tell you about…
Studio Presentations – Summer Semester 2021
©RoofKIT | SDE21 | 2021©RoofKIT | SDE21 | 2021©RoofKIT | SDE21 | 2021 -
ChangeLab! on RoofKIT – Updates
https://changelab.exchange/roofkit-on-what-the-team-is-addressing-what-the-goals-are-and-how-it-intends-to-achieve-them/ -
SDE21 in Sonnenenergie’s March 2021 issue
Sonnenenergie’s march issue reported on the SDE and the German teams! Sonnenenergie: https://www.sonnenenergie.de