Workshop at the Vernissage „Werkraumhäuschen“ and visiting the Finnissage Constructive Alps
We were invited to the workshop and finissage of Mr. Wolfgang Schwarzmann, University of Liechtenstein, who started an exciting project together with the Werkraum im Bregenzerwald (an association for the promotion of crafts and building culture in Austria in Andelsbuch).
Members of the Werkraum Bregenzerwald build a mobile module together with their apprentices: The Werkraumhäuschen! The focus is on building with materials that are as pure as possible. After dismantling, these can easily be dismantled and reused with almost no loss of value. As a mobile ambassador, the Werkraumhäuschen is used cooperatively and communicates the topic of sustainable building. Exciting!
We had the opportunity to bring a few samples of innovative and pure materials from Karlsruhe and present them to the members of the Werkraum, the leaders of the project and actively involved apprentices from various craft companies in the region. Of course, we also brought materials that we will use in our House Demonstration Unit. Recycled plastic, waste glass in a high-quality new form, cellulose boards as biological waste and much more. They were amazed!
Wolfgang Schwarzmann also had a little surprise for us. We wanted to have it immediately for the HDU! Stay tuned!
Afterwards we were invited to the finissage of Constructive Alps, an architecture competition awarded with 50,000 euros for sustainable building and renovation in the Alpine region. The jury invited architects and builders to submit their buildings from the years 2017 to 2021 that contribute to achieving the climate goal of “net zero” in the area. The assembly hall of the Kaufmann carpentry and joinery was awarded! The jury: “The assembly hall for the Kaufmann carpentry and joinery is a feast of wood. Ingeniously, the crane runway for the fabrication of the room modules and the framework are connected with each other. This makes it possible to keep the hall low and place it in the hillside like a piece of furniture. The heavy-duty trusses made of beech wood are dimensioned to the limit. This makes small cross-sections possible, so that the factory appears inside as if it were a parlour, where the workers, the computers and the machines mill, nail and join. Good work is to be secured here thanks to competitive production throughout Europe. And the beautiful industrial building advertises this.”