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The project “ChangeLab! WACKER / KIT Innovation Platform for Pioneering Sustainable Construction” is bringing together students, architects, engineers and construction experts seeking new approaches in the field of materials development and construction methods for a circular economy.
The goal of the innovation platform is to forge stronger ties between researchers and practitioners at the various stages of the construction-sector supply chain. Events such as the “” symposium encourage discussions on the biological material cycle within the construction industry.

“The fact that we have gained WACKER’s support for the ChangeLab! platform is a huge boost for our work at the faculty and will prove highly inspirational for all those seeking to become involved in the future of construction,” explains Dirk E. Hebel, Professor of Sustainable Construction and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at KIT.

The Munich-based chemical Group WACKER also expects to gain major impetus from this collaboration with KIT. “Even in times of the coronavirus, sustainability remains a top priority for us,” says Peter Summo, president of the WACKER POLYMERS business division. “We are deliberately laying down a marker for the development of sustainable technologies in the construction sector. This is a matter of strategic importance to us.”

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