RoofKIT open at KIT Science Week 2023

The building prototype of RoofKIT, which has been located on the KIT Campus Süd since November 2022 (building 30.79, intersection Straße am Forum / Richard-Willstätter-Allee), was presented in the foyer of the Audimax at the opening of the KIT Science Week on October 10 2023. Michelle told the visitors about our inspiring concepts and ideas.

In this context, RoofKIT also opens its doors to the guests of the Helmholtz Sustainability Summit, which also takes place within the framework of KIT Science Week, as well as to other interested parties of KIT Science Week. Team RoofKIT cordially invites you to talk about the project and to have a look at the building prototype.

WHEN: Friday, October 13, 2023 from 4PM until 6PM
WHERE: RoofKIT (building 30.79), intersection Straße am Forum / Richard-Willstätter-Allee

Photo: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Amadeus Bramsiepe